Saturday, July 10, 2010

eXtra 5 - Sharing EXP

I would like to share this quite interesting game entitled 'Mount & Blade'.

It's a rather complex game but that's what makes it very interesting and fun to play.

here's a more elaborate info at Wiki

This game may not have the best graphics, but it supplies a great value of entertainment. It's a how they say it a 'single-player open-ended action role-playing' and you play as a whatever you choose to be, a king's son or even to the lowest a street urchin. But mainly you are on a quest to conquer the 4 kingdoms in the Medieval age. The game gives a wide choice of variety from who you want to become, to the choice of answers you'll make to keep your relationship up with the kings and their tribe, or be the opposite of it.
Game control is (as a viewer), seems complicated as attacks, functions, actions and effects varies to what kind of weapon you choose. Defending also depends on your weapon, if they're one-handed, you can equip a shield. Seeing it in my point, it seems a bit easier to defend yourself when using a shield. The downpour would be that one-handed weapon usually happens to be weaker than two-handed ones.

I've not tried the game, but I would recommend you to try it out, It's a lot of fun but may be confusing for the first ten tries, MAYBE. For me, its more enjoying to watch than playing it.

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